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The Africa Climate summit (ACS23) in Nairobi, Kenya and is set to be of significant importance. A first of it’s kind on the African continent, the summit will be particularly important in discussing ways to address the harsh climate impacts, economic crisis, and how Africa can provide solutions to the current global crisis.

Key issues of green growth and climate finance solutions for Africa are expected to be at the heart of the summit.  Here are authoritative accounts for real-time updates and insights on the (ACS23) meeting.

Hali Hewa Podcast

African Climate Stories,Podcast by Abigael Kima, starring African Activists and experts to amplify African Climate and Energy Stories

Mohamed Adow (@mohadow)

Climate Justice Advocate and Director of energy and climate think tank Power Shift Africa

Project Syndicate (@ProSyn)

Opinion page, featuring exclusive commentaries by scholars, policymakers, practitioners, and civic activists

Ineza Umuhoza (@InezaUmuhoza)

Founder and CEO @TheProtectorRw,Co-founder and Global coordinator @LossDamageYouth


Wangari Muchiri (@WangariTango)

Supporting women and girls at the forefront of the climate crisis and striving for global climate justice.[/vc_column_text]

Don’t Gas Africa (@DontGasAfrica)