The latest scientific assessment by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change reiterates the urgent need for immediate and substantial action. Global greenhouse gas emissions are alarmingly high, causing extensive damage from the climate crisis. It’s crucial to urgently reduce emissions drastically within the next three decades to limit global warming to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels and mitigate severe impacts.
The most affected populations, who bear the least responsibility for this crisis, are already facing its severe consequences, and they require immediate support for adaptation and recovery, highlighting the importance of equity and climate justice.
In a bid to mobilize swift action from various stakeholders—governments, businesses, finance, local authorities, and civil society—the United Nations Secretary-General has called for a Climate Ambition Summit on 20 September 2023 in New York. This summit holds significant political value, showcasing a unified global will to expedite a just transition towards an equitable, renewable energy-driven, and climate-resilient global economy.