Climate Transparency, a global partnership of 14 partners from the majority of G20 countries, has published policy recommendations for key G20 members for more climate action that translate the UN Secretary-General’s expectations for the Climate Action Summit into concrete deliverables.
Building on the findings of the Brown to Green Report, these recommendations include realistic country-specific actions that will enhance global efforts to tackle climate change.
- Stop exploiting new oil and gas reserves
- Stop unsustainable agricultural practices and associated deforestation
- Shift individual transport modes towards sustainable low-emissions public transport and non-motorised mobility
- Phase out coal power plants by 2030 and achieve 100% renewable electricity generation in the 2030s
- 100% share of sales of new passenger cars to be zero-emissions before 2035
- Decarbonise the entire system (demand and supply sectors) by 2050
- Restrict investment in new coal
- Increase electrical carbon efficiency
- Enhance NDC by bringing forward the date for China to peak CO2 emissions
- Adapt goal of net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 at the latest and ratchet up the 2030 target in line with the Paris Agreement 1.5˚C limit
- Adopt goal of 100% of sales of emissions free cars by 2030
- Moratorium to stop expansion of gas infrastructure (pipelines and LNG ports)
- Scale up renovations to low-energy building standards, to reach 500,000 houses per year as soon as possible
- Ramp up the deployment of renewables to at least double the rate of energy production per year (including electricity and heat)
- Review economic incentives to promote low-carbon vehicles, to reach 10% market share of new vehicles by 2022 and 35% share by 2030
- Adopt a climate change act with a more ambitious 2030 target than -55%, coal phase-out by 2030 at the latest and other measures
- Implement a CO2 price of at least 50€ for transport and heating, with compensation to households
- Introduce mandatory climate-related risks disclosure for assets in the finance and real economy no later than December 2020
- Strengthen the 40% non-fossil fuel target of the NDC
- Enhance the emissions intensity target of the NDC
- Adopt a goal of 100% sales of zero-emission vehicles by 2035
- Decrease coal power plants and triple renewable energy share in the power sector in 2030
- Increase energy enciency in household appliances and lighting, which could avoid 26.5 GW of peak demand in 2030
- Achieve a permanent forest-clearing moratorium, potentially protecting at least 660,000 square kilometers of existing primary and peat forests listed in Indonesia’s Indicative Moratorium Map
- Raise 2030 NDC target
- Introduce higher carbon pricing
- Formulate the next strategic energy plan with coal phase-out
- Adopt the target of net-zero emissions by 2050
- Commit to a just transition to phase out coal by 2030
- Achieve ambitious coal transitions for development
- Roll out mass electrified public transit in urban centres by 2050
- Establish tighter building codes for new residential buildings and shift to more efficient appliances
- Establish a moratorium on current and new permits for North Sea oil and gas exploration and extraction
- Adopt goal of 100% sales of zero-emission cars by 2030
- Ban further airport expansions, to curb the rise in aviation emissions
- Adopt goal of net-zero GHG emissions by 2050 at the latest
- Commit to achieve 100% sales of emission-free cars by 2030
- Stop export policy for liquid natural gas